Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Poweroff - Man Page

reboot [OPTION]...

halt [OPTION]...

poweroff [OPTION]...

These utilities allow a system administrator to reboot, halt or
poweroff the system.

When called without the -f option, they simply invoke shutdown(8) with
the appropriate arguments.

Does not invoke shutdown(8) and instead performs the actual
action you would expect from the name. This is generally used
from the event handler itself.

Does not call sync(2) before performing the reboot; this could
result in data loss. On Linux, this probably has no effect as
the kernel flushes all write buffers before shutting down.

Iterates /proc/ide to find all IDE disk drives and requests that
they enter a standby mode before shutting down. On Linux, this
is unnecessary as the kernel will do this anyway.

Iterates configured network interfaces and brings them down
before shutting down. On Linux, this is unnecessary as the ker-
nel will do this anyway.

Instructs the halt command to instead behave as poweroff.

This tool is provided for compatibility with the traditional System V

shutdown(8) telinit(8)

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